Five Steps to A Prosperous Practice

adjustment chiropractor doctor Aug 24, 2023

I recently attended a meeting where a chiropractor I didn’t know shared that they were failing and were asking the group for help.

They told us they did not believe there was a way out, and as a group, we all lovingly provided suggestions, but unfortunately, it all landed on “deaf” ears. It was as if they had made up their mind to fail.

It was the most depressing meeting I have ever attended because it was avoidable and fixable.

Later that same week, the doctors were inspired, hopeful, and confident at another event. Most were crushing their goals or were convinced that success was inevitable. This meeting aligned with my passion for teaching chiropractors how to create prosperous practices with all the new patients, referrals, retention, and revenue they desire without working 24/7 and having fun while impacting their communities.

Being successful requires a growth mindset backed by proven strategies, deliberate habits, surrounding yourself with the right people, confidence, clarity, certainty, and a commitment to do the work and be consistent.

That was the difference between the doctor who was failing and those that are not.

You, your family, and the world benefit from your BEING successful, so with that in mind, here are five tips today to power up your practice and life.


Steps to a Prosperous Practice

1. Mindset Adjustment

Take a moment to remember what inspired you to start practice. Why do you do what you do? Reconnect with your love of practice, service, and life-transforming care regularly. Reclaim your mission.

Neuroscience teaches us our actions are triggered by what we think, so embrace your mission, passion, and growth mindset.

Do not let circumstances dictate your emotions or how you think.

Focus on progress over perfection, learn from challenges, commit to daily effective action, and avoid mediocrity and distraction.

To engage the growth mindset, schedule to read, listen, and watch what inspires you each day for at least 10 minutes.


2. Identify Challenges to Growth

Your revenue depends on your reputation and your ability to stay in practice. Practices fail or stagnate without a consistent flow of new people, poor retention, or failure to communicate value.

The most important fix is immediately addressing your new practice member systems, communication skills, and visibility to stimulate growth.

3. Set Next Step Goals

Setting goals guides your actions and behaviors, so chunk it down and focus on the next step. The marathons I have run happened one step at a time. I achieved my successful practice by caring for one person at a time and influencing the mindset of my community one conversation at a time. Start small and add the next step until you hit your mountain top.

4. Focus

Successful people dedicate to managing, up-leveling, and protecting their minds, body/energy, skillsets, and time. Create a plan to eliminate and avoid distractions, use your time effectively, and care for yourself to produce your desired results.

5. Support

Who is in your circle? Those we spend our time with are who we will most be like. Your coach, mentors, and community are part of accelerating your joy, impact, growth, happiness, and wealth. Get Support and accountability so you reach your desired level of success quicker, scale and mage the success you have, or if you are failing, act now because it is not too late to turn it around.


Dedicated to helping you create the prosperous practice and life you love with ease,

Dr. Shawn


P. S. The Prosperous Practice Academy has limited openings for chiropractors who want a guaranteed increase in new patients, referrals, retention, and revenue, all without working 24/7, so you can experience more happiness, joy, and wealth.

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