How to Easily Increase Retention, Referral, and Revenue

Dec 01, 2020
Because you want to HELP people, you want to increase your PVA/retention, right?
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We know 2020 has seen so much change and struggle.
One change for the good, people want better health and less vulnerability.
Yay Chiropractic. It gives them all this and so much more!
Why listen to me?
Queen of Retention….was what my coach named me; he never knew anyone able to produce anything near to my PVA.
He asked me to start teaching in his program.
And so, it began…
Research proves long term care produces greater benefits than short term.
Want to know HOW my clients do double and triple their retention AND help people get healthy and be less vulnerable?
• simplify and enjoy practice
• attract more ideal families who stay, pay and refer
• steps to enhance credibility, reputation, and visibility
• how to achieve a low overhead and increased profit with strategies for long term sustainability, and
• have time to do more of what you love…

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