How to Increase New Patients and Retention in Four Easy Steps

Apr 26, 2017
If your practice is underperforming, do you find yourself worrying, tossing and turning at night, and wondering: will I ever have the freedom, to do everything I want? Are you grouchy and irritable, unpleasant to be around? What if you could learn how to create consistent, predictable growth?
Stop the Rollercoaster
A healthy practice makes life better. You become more certain, confident, happy and a better person. Finances improve, stress decreases, practice is busy and fun.  Your family and employees enjoy this version of you, so much more.
So, get off the rollercoaster and create the path to consistent, predictable growth. Consistent attraction of ideal practice members, learning the benefits of scientifically proven chiropractic care, creates consistent, predictable growth, and a significant impact on family’s lives.
Retention Benefits Everyone
A high retention practice is the least stressful and most impactful style.  Practices with high new patient volume and low retention are exhausting, have higher overhead costs, staffing needs and turnover. A low retention practice, tragically, may make people might feel better, but will not succeed in delivering the maximum benefits of long term care.
Mastering communication, education, and influence, establishes a profit generating foundation of dedicated practice members who understand, refer, and seek the value of chiropractic. These skill sets create a practice with consistent and predictable growth. A high retention practice affords you greater freedom, low overhead, higher profit, and less stress, making your life more enjoyable.  In addition, the community’s health improves, because practice members experience significant health benefits.
Specialize and Master
Nobody wants to spend a fortune, feel like a pushy salesperson, or take time away from family for growth, right?
Become a master communicator, educator and empowerment specialist. These abilities generate a healthy retention, (PVA) and all the benefits of this practice style.
Marketing is important, but if you don’t master retention, you will always desperately need to fill the bucket, exhausting yourself, your team, and causing unnecessary turnover.
Specialize and master retention and the need to market is diminished. It has been said, that the need for marketing, is the price you pay, for being unremarkable.
Change Your Focus and Mindset
If you are new or struggling, you might be focused on your “need” for new people. When we are needy we are less attractive, people feel the desperation and can feel repelled by this energy. Science is clear, people need your service.
Concentrate on the fact that chiropractic is life changing. Provide a first-class experience, resources, knowledge, and support.
Mindset is a fundamental to your success. How will you get your mind right, keep it right, fuel your confidence, certainty, passion and drive? Will you attract and serve more people, because they understand the benefits? One of the greatest accelerants of my success was Tony Robins. My life and practice changed by focusing on contribution, mastering beliefs, focusing on my passion(chiropractic), managing my energy and attitude.
3o days to More Consistent and Predictable Growth
Get off the roller coaster, starting today. If you and your team, commit, to these four power up activities, you will master retention and attract more ideal practice members. I look forward to hearing about your growth, impact and insights.
1. Manage and Master You
Invest 30 minutes per day for the next 3o days. Commit to meditate/pray, study the science of chiropractic and mindset management. You will be changing your brain, be better focused and have more energy. You will own and become more articulate at explaining the benefits of chiropractic.
2. Attract and Seek the People You Love
  • Identify your 10-favorite practice members and define what makes them special and ideal. From this list, create a description of the ideal practice member(s)/avatar, read it at your focus meeting, every day for 30 days.
  • Read a different testimonial, allowing the entire team to understand the impact families are experiencing.
  • Don’t waste time or resources inconsistent with your ideal practice member. It will only aggravate and annoy you. Assure all your print and digital content, marketing events, funnels, social media, plans, and materials are in alignment with attracting your ideal members.
3. Visualize
Visualization is scientifically proven to be effective. Picture your practice filled with all the ideal new patients you want, loving it so much, they become massive referrals ninja’s. Picture families choosing the chiropractic lifestyle, because of your extraordinary care and education. See your rock star CA’s supporting you, so you can do what you love the most. Visualize the potential benefits reaped: lifestyle changes, personal satisfaction, and increased earnings.
Write out a crystal-clear description of the perfect day and record it. For the next 30 days, start each focus meeting with this guided visualization.
4. Systems and Support
I always owned PC’s but now I own a Mac. Different operating systems, they both get the job done, but not necessarily the same way. Identify and utilize an effective, efficient, operating system, in alignment with you and your style of practice.
A practice without effective, efficient and utilized systems will struggle. The right systems will guarantee your success. It is vital to regularly review, upgrade and update systems as needed.
Honestly, after graduation, I was clueless. I attended seminars and visited other offices. Investing in coaching helped me to see things I could not see, teach me things I did not know, and develop my strengths. It saved me years of agony and struggle.
I still am an avid student, observer and invest in coaching to be the best version of myself. If you need support, direction and or an accountability partner, get help.
People need you, you have the power to change lives. Stay committed over the next 30 days, I promise you will love the results.
In dedication to your thriving practice and phenomenal life,
Dr. Shawn

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