Summer is Your Time to Grow

May 31, 2012
The one who asks questions does not lose their way.” — African proverb
Chiropractic practices are growing at an all-time high. In support of your summer growth consider these few questions to guide your way.
Are you growing as much as you would like?
Do you have a practice growth and a community outreach strategy?
What do you need to commit to now for you to:
Experience higher levels of satisfaction and success,
Attract more new people,
Increase your retention (PVA), and
Your profit?
When you focus on providing extraordinary experiences for the people you serve, they will refer without hesitation. How can you be the best at connecting, supporting and educating people? A practice that experiences consistent growth has specific goals, a team that is dedicated to accomplishing the goals and the plan to accomplish them. When your practice grows everybody benefits. Clarity is power and it consistently produces success. Ask the right questions to keep you on the road to summer growth.
Just seven months left of 2012. Time is of the essence; if not now when?

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