Power Up Your Practice Blog

How You Can Remove Interference to Increase Momentum and Growth Feb 27, 2018
Remove the Blockages at your practice to attract the clients you want
In my experience blockages and barriers in practice are a lot like subluxations, they interfere with performance, normal function and potential. Blockages and barriers come in many forms....
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Why You Should Think of Marketing as Life Saving Rather Than Selling Feb 20, 2018
The public typically only associates Chiropractic with back pain.  You understand the value of chiropractic beyond back care and pain relief, but what are you doing to increase the awareness...
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24 hours to Improve Your Chiropractic Practice 2 Jul 29, 2017

Pick a collection to get actionable, momentum-building information for your current needs and stage of practice growth. Then we would have a New Doctor Section or Fundamentals of Successful...

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10 Ways to Grow Your Practice Now Jul 29, 2017

If I had a gardening philosophy it would be, leave it alone, it will grow on its own. I water but rarely fertilize, weed, or prune. Sometimes this works and sometimes not. My garden, left alone...

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How to Increase New Patients and Retention in Four Easy Steps Apr 26, 2017
If your practice is underperforming, do you find yourself worrying, tossing and turning at night, and wondering: will I ever have the freedom, to do everything I want? Are you grouchy and...
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Three Strategies to Fight Fear and Thrive in 2017 Feb 21, 2017
Have you ever felt afraid, yet somehow managed to conquer that fear? It feels great, right?
Fear is one of our most familiar emotions, one that everyone can relate to. Everyone has been...
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12 Reasons Why You Need to Blog Now and 11 Strategies for Blogging Success to Grow Your Practice Sep 30, 2015
Eighty percent of Internet users are searching for health-related topics, right now.
Business woman
The majority of these health-seekers tend to be affluent, well-educated and female, the ideal...
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10 Ways to Grow Your Practice Now Apr 30, 2015
If I had a gardening philosophy it would be, leave it alone, it will grow on its own. I water but rarely fertilize, weed, or prune. Sometimes this works and sometimes not. My garden, left alone...
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New Patients; Questions That Must be Answered for Increased Attraction and Retention Apr 01, 2015
“Every well-built house started with a definite plan in the form of blueprints.”
~ Napoleon Hill
For low stress and predictable practice growth we must consistently attract new...
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More New Patients and Patient Satisfaction: 8 Fundamentals You Didnā€™t Learn in Chiropractic School May 13, 2014
What’s worse than training your workers and losing them?
Not training them and keeping them.
~ Zig Ziglar
I do not recall a class or discussion on service and...
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24 hours to Improve Your Chiropractic Practice Apr 16, 2014

There is nothing like the present to be living your future.

Imagine what your life would be like if for only 24 hours you went on a quest to banish all small -minded, negative and insignificant...
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Building Relationships Nov 01, 2013
The art of conversation and connection are invaluable in building your relationships.
Don’t you hate it when you are being talked at and they are so focused on their agenda that they...
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