Power Up Your Practice Blog

New Patients; Questions That Must be Answered for Increased Attraction and Retention Apr 01, 2015
“Every well-built house started with a definite plan in the form of blueprints.”
~ Napoleon Hill
For low stress and predictable practice growth we must consistently attract new...
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More New Patients and Patient Satisfaction: 8 Fundamentals You Didnā€™t Learn in Chiropractic School May 13, 2014
What’s worse than training your workers and losing them?
Not training them and keeping them.
~ Zig Ziglar
I do not recall a class or discussion on service and...
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24 hours to Improve Your Chiropractic Practice Apr 16, 2014

There is nothing like the present to be living your future.

Imagine what your life would be like if for only 24 hours you went on a quest to banish all small -minded, negative and insignificant...
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Building Relationships Nov 01, 2013
The art of conversation and connection are invaluable in building your relationships.
Don’t you hate it when you are being talked at and they are so focused on their agenda that they...
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A Good Day Oct 08, 2013

To set the tone for your week I would like to recommend taking a valuable five minutes and watch this:

"A Good Day" With Brother David Steindl-Rast

This week as you focus on creating good...
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Summer Growth Jun 03, 2013
Summer scene
Remember as a child, the first time you experienced something unfamiliar?
Our experiences shape us. As long as I can remember summer equates to new experiences, leaving the habitual,...
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Creating and Manifesting Jan 21, 2013
We all have a divine purpose. Are you in synch or out? Do you know what you want? We are 21 days into the New Year. If you made resolutions and commitments I trust this finds you on track and still...
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Someday Has Arrived Jan 08, 2013
Have you ever said anything like this?
Someday, I’m going to…
Write the book I’ve been talking about.
Lose the weight I’ve been complaining about.
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Land of Love Jan 02, 2013
I sustain myself with the love of family.”  — Maya Angelou
I have spent the last eight days with my family, in what I call the land of love. There are...
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Summer is Your Time to Grow May 31, 2012
The one who asks questions does not lose their way.” — African proverb
Chiropractic practices are growing at an all-time high. In support of your summer growth consider...
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The Power of You Apr 23, 2012
Right now, close your eyes. Yes really, now close your eyes and take ten deep, slow breaths. This will immediately bring fresh oxygen into your brain, you will feel more relaxed and clear minded.
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Your Life is a Reflection of Your Thoughts Apr 12, 2012
Every well-built house started with a definite plan in the form of blueprints.
– Napoleon Hill
Whatever we think about comes about. You know this is true, both good and bad. If anyone...
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